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Championnat Wallon de Breaking FINAL - Brussels

Van 29/06/2024 | 12:00 → 19:00

Wallonie Breaking and Brussels Urban Sessions are pleased to invite you to the final round of the Walloon Breaking Championship Season 2023-2024! It will take place in Brussels on Saturday, June 29, 2024!
This event is OPEN TO EVERYBODY and offers three categories for under-21s (⚠️-21 ans).
* With the support of the City of Brussels, the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles de Danses, the Brussels-Capital Region and the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

------------------------PRACTICAL INFORMATION --------------------



* Judges 3 x 3 (-12 years) :

* Crew judges (-16 years) & 1 x 1 (-21 years):

- FB: https://www.facebook.com/championnat.wallon.de.breaking
- E-mail: cwb.infos@gmail.com

⚠️La participation is limited to one category only! ⚠️
* This event is organized by Wallonie Breaking and Brussels Urban Sessions with the support of the City of Brussels, the Wallonie Brussels Dance Federation, the Brussels-Capital Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

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